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If you are stuck on ‘auto-pilot’ with your retirement savings, you may not be on

What is a deferral and why should I increase it? Employee deferrals, also known as salary reductions, are the most common way to contribute to employer-sponsored retirement plans like 403(b)s. These contributions are pre-tax, meaning they come out of your paycheck before taxes are calculated. Many people start with a smaller contribution to see how it impacts their take-home pay. While automating these contributions is a great way to save consistently, it can also lead to complacency. It
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Ways to Save

Saving money is essential for achieving financial stability and reaching your long-term goals. Whether you're looking to save for a big purchase or just want to build a stronger financial foundation, saving is the first step and it goes a long way. Here are a few tips and strategies to help you cut expenses, increase your savings, and make the most of your hard-earned money: Buy in bulk On average big box stores will give you the most long-term savings -especially on non-perishable item
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Understanding Long-Term Care Options

Originally Posted June 4, 2017
When we get older it may become necessary to obtain long-term care for ourselves or for a family member. It can be a financial strain, but also an emotional time of change in a family. It is good to prepare and to know what kind of long-term care is available before the need becomes necessary..
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Financial Planning Rooted in Experience

Originally Posted June 4, 2017
Would you like to be more organized and more confident in your financial life? School employees are turning to Sequoia Financial Strategies for their financial planning needs..
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